miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012

Papas al horno

Loaded Twice Baked Potatos

I went to BYU-Idaho for three years. I got to eat a lot of potatoes there, especially since the dad of one of my roommates worked for a potato Company. But, I never got sick of potatoes because I really, really like potatoes. They are probably the number one side dish at my house. We eat a lot of potatoes skillets for breakfast on the weekend. Every once in a while I'll make twice baked potatoes. Honestly, a regular old baked potato is probably easier, but every once in a while a nice gooey cheese twice baked potato is worth the extra effort. I don't really use exact measurements when I make this but I'll estimate for you.

Loaded Twice Baked Potatoes
4 medium russet potatoes
4 or 5 slices bacon
1/2 cup sour cream
3/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese,divided
2 green onions, chopped
salt and pepper to taste.
Rinse potatoes. Poke holes in the potatoes with fork. Wrap potatoes in foil and bake for 45-60 minutes at 425F until potatoes are soft, but still still firm. Remove potatoes from oven and let cool. Chop bacon slices into small pieces and cooking in a frying pan over medium heat until crispy. Chop potatoes in half. Scoop out the middle of the potato, leaving about 1/4 inch of potato on the skins to hold the potato skins together. Mash together scooped out potato, sour cream, 1/2 cup cheddar cheese, green onions, salt and pepper. Stuff the potato skins with the potato mixture. Top with the remaining cheddar cheese. Bake for 20 minute at 350F until potato is heated through and cheese on top is melted.

miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

Pilantes ejercicio 1


Ejercicio 1
Acostada, con las piernas elevadas y los brazos extendidos, muéva los brazos rápidamente hacia arriba y abajo, con columna siempre bien apoyada en el piso y los músculos de los glúteos contraídos (3 minutos).

Ejercicio 2
Acostada en el piso con la pierna derecha extendida, no deje que ésta se apoye. Esto le permitirá contraer la musculatura abdominal y de glúteos. Mientras, tome la otra pierna y ejerza presión hacia el tronco (3 minutos).

Ejercicio 3
Con el abdomen contraído y la pierna extendida, fortaleciendo los glúteos, tome la otra pierna con ambas manos. Este ejercicio modela el tren muscular superior (por encima de las caderas). (3 minutos).

Ejercicios del Método Pilates, también información sobre que es y los principios básicos del método pilates, los beneficios, quienes lo pueden hacer, la filosofía, el fundamento y todo lo que quieres saber de Pilates.

Pilantes ejercicio 1


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